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核战爆发令 (2000)

Fail Safe (TV)

地区: 美国
语言: 英语
别名:Point limite / Fail Safe - Befehl ohne Ausweg / 奇幻核子战 / 失误
豆瓣得分: 7.7
IMDb: tt0235376


From a live groundbreaking television performance
A computer malfunction triggers the transmission of nuclearattack codes to a US bomber squadron The orders are irreversible the primary target is Moscow and the President his advisors and military leaders race time to head off global catastrophe George Clooney executiveproduces and joins a precision team of actors to retell the Classic Cold War doomsday thriller based on the 1962 Eugene BurdickHarvey Wheeler book and the memorable 1964 film Recalling the adrenalinerush days of early TV drama Fail Safe was staged and telecast live on April 9 2000 in blackandwhite establishing an immediate sense of history unfolding Historic too is the cast Richard Dreyfuss Brian Dennehy Noah Wyle Don Cheadle Harvey Keitel Hank Azaria and Sam Elliott
冷战时期一架美军轰炸机突然接到命令到莫斯科丢掷一枚核子弹头。虽然随后又接到中途折返的命令但轰炸机驾驶杰克上校乔治克龙尼 饰却拒绝遵守因为他已经通过安全点无法回头了。 为了这个突发状况美国总统李察德瑞福斯 饰透过口译员巴克诺克怀利 饰跟苏联领导人进行电话沟通;军方将领和高层人士全部紧急动员全力防堵一场大灾难的发生那枚致命的核子弹头会抵达莫斯科吗
