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《Neil Young: Human Highway》封面图

Neil Young: Human Highway

类型: 剧情 / 喜剧
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
片长:88 分钟
豆瓣得分: 暂无豆瓣评分
IMDb: tt0084099


  1982美国剧情喜剧片《Neil Young: Human Highway》由Dean Stockwell导演,尼尔·杨主演,影片讲述的是:
Employees and customers spend time at a small gas stationdiner in a fictional town next to a nuclear power plant unaware it is the last day on Earth Young Otto Dean Stockwell has received ownership of the failing business by the Will of his recently deceased father His employee Lionel Switch Neil Young is the garages goofy and bumbling auto mechanic who dreams of being a rock star I can do it Lionel often exclaims After some modest character development and a collagelike dream sequence there is a tongueincheek choreographed musical finale while nuclear war begins
At the destroyed gas stationdiner post nuclear holocaust Booji Boy Mark Mothersbaugh is a lone survivor but after his cynical prose the opening credits are a return to present time prior to apocalypse Some edits of the film place this scene at the end including the most recent Directors Cut
At the nuclear power plant nuclear garbage persons members of Devo reveal that radioactive waste is routinely mishandled and dumped at the nearby town of Linear Valley They sing a remake of Worried Man Blues while loading waste barrels on an old truck Meanwhile Lionel and his buddy Fred Kelly Russ Tamblyn ride bicycles to work Fred states that Old Ottos recent death was by radiation poisoning They remain unaware of the implications as Lionel laments it should have been himself that died because he has worked on almost every radiator in every car in town
Early in the day at the diner Young Otto announces he must fire an employee for lack of money He chooses waitress Kathryn Sally Kirkland who has a tantrum and refuses to leave She sits down weeping at a booth that has a picture on the wall of Old Otto also Stockwell and chooses on the juke box the song The End of the World Later waitress Irene Geraldine Baron overhears Young Ottos plans to fire everybody destroy the buildings and collect on a fraud insurance claim Irene demands to be included in the scheme and to seal the deal with a kiss
Although Lionel has a crush on the waitress Charlotte Charlotte Stewart she has a crush on the milkman Earl Duke David Blue After an earthquake Duke dressed in white enters the diner with a delivery He flirts with her saying Charlotte on my way over here this morning I thought about you and the earth moved She replies You felt it too He also offers her a milk bath While he is there a dining Arab sheik offers him wealth in return for his whiteness
A limousine stops at the gas station After Lionel learns his rock star idol Frankie Fontaine also Young is in the limousine he insists the vehicle will need work After meeting rock star Frankie who appears to lead an opulent sequestered and drug influenced lifestyle Lionel says to the wooden Indian in his shop Now theres a real human being
Lionel receives a bump on the head while working on Frankies limousine and enters a dream He becomes a rock star with a back up band of wooden Indians Back stage he is given a milk bath by Irene Lionel travels with his band the wooden Indians and crew all people from his waking life by trucks through the desert The wooden Indians become missing
During Goin Back a song by Young the entourage recreates in the desert near a Pueblo Native Americans prepare a bonfire to burn the wooden Indians which had been missing Soon Lionel is playing music and dancing around the bonfire which appears to have become the center of a Powwow Goin Back ends gazing into the bonfire of burning wooden Indians Hey Hey My My is a tenminute studio jam performance of Devo and Young
Lionel wakes from his dream surrounded by concerned friends much like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz Soon there is the start of global nuclear war No one is sure what is happening until it is announced by Booji Boy as the hour of sleep He then provides shovels and commands everyone to dig that hole and dance like a mole The cast then enters a choreographed adaptation of Worried Man The planet is engulfed in radioactive glow and the cast still festive climbs a stairway to heaven accompanied by harp music
