2017意大利恐怖片《邪恶之家》由Luca Boni, Marco Ristori导演,Andrew Harwood Mills主演,影片讲述的是:
Set in the 1970s House of Evil tells the story of a young couple who move into an old mansion in the Connecticut countryside to start a family They soon discover that their new life is destined to be fraught with disaster as they fight against a dark terrifying force in order to survive
讲述了一对年轻夫妇搬进康涅狄格州乡村的一座古老宅邸生活的故事。 他们很快发现,他们的新生活注定要充满灾难,因为他们为了生存而与黑暗,恐怖的力量作斗争。