首页 电影 科幻 血腥皇后

血腥皇后 (2003)

Queen of Blood

导演: Curtis Harrington
类型: 科幻 / 恐怖
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
片长:81 分钟
别名:Flight to a Far Planet / Planet of Vampires
豆瓣得分: 暂无豆瓣评分
IMDb: tt0060877


  1966美国科幻恐怖片《血腥皇后》由Curtis Harrington导演,约翰·萨克松主演,影片讲述的是:
The year is 1990 and space travel is wellestablished since humans first landed on the Moon twenty years earlier At the International Institute of Space Technology communications expert and astronaut Laura James monitors strange signals being received from outer space Lauras superior Dr Farraday translates the signal and discovers that it is from an alien race who are sending an ambassador to Earth Soon after however Laura receives a video log showing that the aliens spaceship has crashedlanded on Mars
The Institute launches a rescue mission aboard the spaceship Oceano which includes Laura and astronauts Anders Brockman and Paul Grant Oceano travels through a sunburst suffering some damage before completing the journey to Mars and locating the downed alien craft Anders and Paul investigate and discover a single dead alien aboard Faraday deduces that the surviving crew may have been rescued so an observation satellite will be needed to locate the alien rescue ship Lauras fiancé Allan and fellow astronaut Tony volunteer They travel on the spaceship Meteor to Phobos one of the two moons of Mars where they launch the observation satellite Tony finds an alien spaceship on Phobos He and Allan are able to enter finding an unconscious but stillliving female alien As their rescue ship holds only two one of them must stay behind so they toss a coin and Tony stays
Allan and the female alien arrive on Oceano joining Laura Paul and Anders The alien regains consciousness and smiles at the three men but not Laura The alien refuses to eat all food offered and will not let Anders take a blood sample That night as Paul is guarding the alien she attacks and kills him draining his blood after first hypnotizing him The surviving astronauts decide to keep her alive by feeding her blood from the ships plasma supply When this supply runs out she kills Anders and feeds on him leaving Laura and Allan the only humans aboard
The alien then attacks Allan but Laura interrupts her before she can kill again Laura scratches her in the struggle and the alien screams in terror quickly bleeding to death Laura and Allen then find alien eggs hidden aboard Allan hypothesizes that she was royalty likely a queen assuming humanlike inbreeding among royalty hence her hemophilia and was being sent to Earth in order to breed Their spaceship lands safely but Earth authorities decide to study the alien eggs rather than destroying them outright as Allan has urged
