战功彪炳、身手高超的特种部队成员亚历山大(史蒂芬席格饰)在一场意外后,决定退隐江湖,低调度过余生。但平静的日子未能持续太久,当老友山姆遭到三合会老大的陷害,并掳走其妹妹给俄国黑帮做人质。眼见好友蒙受不白之冤,亚历山大被迫重操旧业,介入这场中国三合会与俄国黑帮之间的战争,以矫健身手单刀直入两大黑帮组织,彻底扫荡不法之徒,拯救危在旦夕的肉票… …
After an illustrious special ops career ends in disaster Alexander Seagal goes off the grid and attempts to lead a quiet life as a handyman at an apartment complex But when one of his tenants and her family fall under the thumb of a Russian gangster Alexander is dragged into an allout war between rival Chinese and Russian gangs forcing him to not only defend the family but bringing him face to face with an old foe and giving him one more chance to reconcile his past Written by Keoni Waxman